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A Christmas fairy tale

Hey guys! It's Christmas in less than 2 weeks! The best time of the year, isn't it?  So last week I went on a trip to Toulouse. Even if there wasn't any snow and it was sunny, I could feel the Christmas atmosphere. On one of the main squares, there was a Christmas market, where people could buy clothes, souvenirs or a glass of hot wine. There was also Santa's house, with different rooms, Christmassy-decorated. Enough talking, here are some of the photos I took: Здравейте! След по-малко от 2 седмици е Коледа - най-хубавото време от годината! Миналата седмица направих малко пътуване до Тулуза с приятели. Въпреки, че нямаше сняг и дори беше слънчево, успях да усетя коледната атмосфера. На един от най-големите площади имаше Коледен пазар, където хората купуваха дрехи, сувенири или чаша топло вино. Също така успяхме да видим и къщата на Дядо Коледа, с различни стаи, коледно украсени. Ето някои от снимките, които направих: ...


   Hey guys! Today’s post is about a place I visited recently. It’s a French village, or at least it used to be until it was brutally destroyed by the Nazis in 1944. Its name is Oradour-sur-Glane and it brings bad memories to every French person.    Everything started on the 10 th of July , 1944, when Diekmann’s battalion was passing by the French village and decided to put an end of its existence as well as the one of its inhabitants. Men were taken to barns and sheds, where machine guns had been waiting for them. Women and children were locked in village’s church, where they were killed afterwards. Only two women and a child managed to escape by the window, but shortly after that they were shot. The whole village was burned up. According to the statistics, 642 people were killed that day and only 6 managed to save themselves.    A new village was build close to the old one, but French people decided to save what’s left from Oradour-sur-Glane. T...

Yellow, orange and Bologna !

Hey guys! It's been longtime I haven't posted anything, but my trip to the beautiful Italian city Bologna deserves to be published.  In one of the hottest summers Italians have known, my friend and I decided to make a five-day trip to Bologna. First thing I noticed was that all the building there were yellow and orange, which I found pretty awesome. Here's a small part of the photos we took: Здравейте! От доста време на съм поствала нищо в блога си, но смятам, че пътуването ми до Болоня заслужава да бъде публикувано. В едно от най-горещите лета, които италианците са виждали, решихме да направим 5-дневно пътешествие до Болоня. Първото нещо, което ми направи впечатление, бяха сградите - всички оцветени в жълто или оранжево. А сега малка част от снимките: the channel the two towers I hope you guys liked the photos! See you soon! xx

Sun, Flowers and a Ukulele

Hey guys! It was a beautiful sunny day in Bordeaux, so my friend and I went to a very nice park with a beautiful lake inside. There were a lot of people enjoying the sun with their families, friends or animals. It is a nice peaceful place where you just forget your problems and enjoy nature. Of course, we didn't forget to take some pictures for our blogs, so I can now share with you my OOTD! Здравейте, читатели! Днес беше прекрасен слънчев ден в Бордо и се възползвахме да направим разходка в близкия парк, в центъра на който има малко езеро. Доста хора се наслаждаваха на хубавото време със семействата, приятелите и животинките си. Разбира се, не пропуснахме да си направим снимки, така че споделям в тази публикация днешния outfit of the day.  Dress & Necklace: H&M Shoes: Tex Have a nice week everyone! xx